Monday, October 5, 2009

Mosquito Coast

I have always associated Harrison Ford with a particular style of acting....more so because he always seemed to play a particular sort of character- the nice but tough uncharismatic guy...leaving aside of course the Star Wars.
And then I saw Mosquito Coast- Ford plays an American, who is a genius and firmly convinced that nuclear war is going to wipe out the big countries...this and his disgust with the average American"s wasteful materialism makes him take off (with his four children and wife)for Mosquito Coast, a place which is in S.America. On way, he makes enemies with the priest who is based in that area with the aim of "LIBERATING THE LOCALS". Our hero and his family, upon reaching the place realise that it has nothing to offer...its a marshy and bleak place on the edge of the river. Not to be supressed, the whole family, with the aid of a few locals works hard, clears the jungles and makes a sort of a farm.
The movie traces the ups and downs of the family, which is linked with the fate of the locals as well....slowly, as circumstances start to become worse, Harrison Ford turns into a man so obsessed with his need to keep his family in that area, that he almost turns into a demon.

It is a great performance by Ford, I think probably his best. He is credited with having starred in nine of the twentyfive all time top earning movies.....and Mosquito Coast was his only movie that didnot recover its money.
This is what he said of the movie after it was declared a flop- It's the only film I have done that hasn't made its money back. I'm still glad I did it. If there was a fault with the film, it was that it didn't fully enough embrace the language of the book (by Paul Theroux). It may have more properly been a literary rather than a cinematic exercise. But I think it's full of powerful emotions.

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