Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why Inappropriate....

Why inappropriate logic? i was asked.
Isnot logic supposed to be just that- Inappropriate?And yes, it deserves a capital.
After all, the worst fear of the educated is- ' to not sound appropriate, or , in other words- inappropriate.'

Isnot logic supposed to be 'not appropriate'? let me ask the question in a simpler way for the more appropriate human beings- Isnot being appropriate the only virtue worth considering... and installing in our children ?

Isnot the only important thing when in a crowd is- to be able to blend (bend?) in; to ensure that not one word is uttered that goes against what the crowd had decided is right.......

And what does the crowd decide to be right? Of course whatever the strongest and the most vocal said was right is appropriate...and safe for everyone.

Isnot the girl who said that she enjoys sex a 'woman of loose character'- and the guy who says that he has had a dozen girls- the eternal smart guy?

And isnot the guy who says -'kill those who say our god their god is different'- the most popular guy?

So people, the moment I talked about logic, i had to make it inappropriate.

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