Wednesday, September 16, 2009

corrupt? who me?

Few days back was listening to my friends talk about how Bollywood has moved away from shwing the angry young man-hero.....because (I am holding my breath here again)- corruption in India has gone down from what it was........really ...??

In Kolkata, to retrive my suitcase filled with my medical books from Customs, I spent 5-6 hours with no avail. And then, I bribed a person sitting in the office of the Superintendent (where I had gone to lodge a complaint), and job gets done in an hour.

I dont know for sure how much corruption has gone down, but I know that it is an acceptable part of life now.Middle class has money, so money isnot a huge problem, unless I guess the bribe asked for is huge. Last time when I went to Silchar, my Medical College boys who had failed the PG entrance test were quite nervous as to how much of the money they had paid as bribe (before taking the exam) would be refunded.......well yes, everyone had paid there....It was I am told, to ensure that if you did a good exam, your scores are not tampered with.

Please read this carefully- it concerns all of us.

The CAG report talks about the 'inadequate assessment and management of risks associated with the acquisition of aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.'
In simpler terms, the report damns the defence ministry for allowing the cost of acquisition to double in four years to Rs 7,207 crore ($1.82 billion)*.The report says that the delay will also, in effect, mean that the Indian Navy will get a second-hand ship with a limited life span. And to top it, the navy is acquiring a second-hand refitted aircraft carrier that had half the life span of and was 60 per cent more expensive than a new one.
What is even more glaring is that India is now under immense pressure from Moscow to increase the price by Rs 9,700 cr ($2 billion)* more than the initial price of Rs 3,856 cr ($974 million)*.
And all this after two naval delegations visited the Sevmash shipyard in 1995 and 1998 and reported that the 'carrier's condition was deteriorating.'
Further, the CAG report says the following: Out of the total 2,500 compartments spread over nine decks on the ship, 1,650 would either be newly created or extensively modified. Thus, almost two third of the ship would be renovated.
In conclusion, the report says: 'The objective of induction of the ship as an aircraft carrier in time to bridge the gap in the Navy's capabilities has been defeated. In sum, the government has paid $407.05 million (August 2007) and is now faced with an additional demand for $1.2 billion (November 2007) for a second hand carrier whose delivery schedule is uncertain. The matter was referred to the Ministry in September 2008; their reply was awaited as of January 2009.'


  1. naya ad nahi dekha .. hum khilata hain to khate hain..don't u think its we who have created this monster. Just as you paid all of us do to avoid the hassle

  2. Yes Jaya, we created the monster...that is wrong, because- we are the monster.Everyone , whether he is asking for a bribe, or he is offering one, is involved.People have stopped complaining because it is accepted as a part of life.
    In our educated classes, the smart guy is defined as the one who can get things done, has good connections and is very adaptable.
